
This blog is a personal blog and all the posts are written by myself. Some of the information in this blog are for entertainment purpose. I may be not an expert in what I wrote, but I always try to write honestly, based on what I think and feel about it at that time. Yeah, some information (scholarships, price, ticket, etc) may be not valid anymore but I will try to put a link or source information so you can search for the newest ones. Or you can asking me. 

Any question regarding to my posts should be written in the comment box below the post. Therefore other readers could read. If you prefer asking me personally, you can send me an email. You can see my contact in About Me. If you contact me directly, asking about somethings, I would not sell your personal or contact information.

It is possible that someday I may want to change the focus of my blog, sell it or to change the term of use (go to paid platform). All of them are at my own discretion. If I am going to do that, I will announce it in advance.

Best regards,

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